Saturday, 1 February 2014

Lifestyle change

So I stepped on the scales and I figured that I needed to lose 30 kilos. 30 KILOS!!! How did I let myself go so bad that now I have to lose 30 kilos? NO one believes me, I think I'm even finding it hard to believe myself.

So what I decided to take matters into my own hands and join the MIchelle Bridges 12wbt. I have heard great things about the program, so I thought why not?

Tomorrow I commence Week 1 of the Total Body transformation ... which kind of leaves this blog at a bit of a loose end. If I'm not talking about food and the things that I am cooking, then what will I talk about? I will update my progress here.

I recognise that diet and exercise for food lovers is hard, but I'm willing to put in the time and effort to change that. To that end, this blog will now be dedicated to my journey called life. (Wow, did that totally sound corny or what.)

What I mean is that I am committed to a lifestyle change. Living life to the fullest, travel, health, starting a family - it is all going to be here.

My life is going to take a shift - from being completely food-centric and food-focussed, it will now encompass so much more.

I'm prepared to bare my soul, I hope anyone reading will enjoy it.


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